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Corto, pero muy tenso, realmente no esperaba para nada ese final

Enjoyed the game.  

Game is good

Short, that will do.

Comments below clip:

When pulling a trigger, the innocent become blood-stained killers as well. Does that act serve justice?

You be the judge.

I didn’t run into any bugs, hiccups or other snags. Kudos to all involved and thanks for making this awesome game.

It's a nice short game for sure. Kinda wish I could climb them 2 stairs in the garage. But overall, not bad.

Here's my channel for other games I have played.

This was pretty interesting. Keep up the good work

Scary game and creepy father :O


For being made for a game jam, this was not bad! Had an issue with the game relentlessly stealing the mouse cursor which made setting up recording slightly tricky Lol. Made a video on it.


I'll be playing this live tonight 8/30 around 530-6 PM EST =D.


The ending had a fantastic twist! 

I loved this a lot. The atmosphere was intense, I liked the interactions and overall, this is a solid horror game - great job! 

Best of luck with the game jam. 


Nice this was very good short game I like it well done keep it up!

El juego esta muy mal echo no puedes ni salkir a window almenos que te maten


really cool game!


Really great short horror game!